À Propos D’un Acteur/Actrice – (sept. 2024)

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Toujours sur cette page, vous découvrirez certains des films les plus pertinents auxquels l'acteur ou l'actrice sélectionné / trouvé a participé.

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Eva Lyberten

Eva Lyberten



Âge De:

65 Ans

Né Sur:

Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain


Herminia Benito, known as Eva Lyberten (Barcelona, ​​December 20, 1958) is a Spanish actress. At age 15 he studied in a School of Dramatic Art, and later, dance and jazz academy in Barcelona. At the age of  18, she appears in programs of Spanish Television in Catalonia, as "The Saga of the Rius", where he worked a few days, and as supporting actress in most films shot in Barcelona in 1975. After shooting his second film, "La ciutat cremada" (1976) by Antoni Ribas, he moved to Ibiza. On his return from Ibiza is chosen among hundreds of applicants, vedette for Music-hall: "Crazy Horse" which is the most important erotic spectacle of Spain's democratic transition. Show in which acts for a year with remarkable success and leaving to join the cast of artists involved in the erotic films of the era, and movies rated "S" highlighting on all director Ignacio F. Iquino. In the mid-80s with the decline of the films "S", Eva wanted to change her "look" of erotic artist and engage in a cinema with more content. Aspirations that were not fulfilled until he was involved in "Sal Gorda" (1984), of Fernando Trueba, as supporting actress playing the role of Bridget. From here his film appearances were declining.

Bibliographie - Films

Vous trouverez ici quelques-uns des films les plus pertinents auxquels l'acteur ou l'actrice sélectionné / trouvé a participé. Aussi d'autres choses comme, quels autres acteurs et actrices ont participé sur le même film, (directeurs et / ou acteur et actrice invités).

(en "cliquant" sur leurs photos, vous pourrez en découvrir plus sur chacun d'eux individuellement).

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